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Checklist!! B2B!

Ecewah, nak jugak buat Checklist yer.. Gedik kau Jemah.. hehehe.. Well, orang kata better buat dari tak, senang tidak menyesal dikemudian hari. Orang la kata.. hew hew hew.. So, Checklist bawah ni i just Copy from UK blog. Sangat Impress me and edit sikit la. :) InshaAllah i will update my checklist day by day. Semoga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar. Amin..
So, here my Wedding checklist :)

12 Months or More Before the Wedding

  • Announce engagement - 19 May 2013 (wink*)
  • Determine the style and theme of your wedding and nikah - Vintage + Formal (under consideration)
  • Make a list of what is important for a wedding for budget - Being Implemented
  • Discuss the wedding budget and who will pay for what - on listing
  • Decide on a wedding date - Bride (November) + Groom (December)
  • Start searching wedding venues - Frim (confirm) + Bukit tunku (tengah servay harga)

9 To 11 Months Before the Wedding

Begin search for vendors:

  • Bridal Gown + Formal Suit Hire + Shoes and Accessories (for nikah + Sanding) - I've Got my own design :)
  • Photographer + Videographer - MLSKL
  • Live Music, Entertainers, PA system or bands -
  • Caterer, Florist, Venue Decoration/Chair Covers  -
  • Choose Hair and Beauty Stylist -
  • Bridesmaid Dresses -
  • Wedding Cake -
  • Contact Jabatan Agama Islam and attend for Kursus Perkahwinan -
  • Update guest list
  • Visit look through bridal magazines, search the internet to gain ideas and inspiration for your big day -
  • Finalise your wedding colours, theme and style - applegreen + ?


6 To 8 Months Before the wedding

  • Start planning ceremony and reception music choices
  • Booking Photobooth other buffet collection.
  • Start looking at invitation designs (i design myself :D - jimat)
  • Purchase and design wedding gown, veil and accessories
  • Finalise and order/purchase attire attendants
  • Choose and purchase wedding rings
  • Contact Kadhi & Pejabat Agama
  • Contact witness / saksi perkahwinan
  • Booking tempat nikah

4 To 5 Months Before the Wedding

  • Contact Wed planner / Caterer and finalise arrangements
  • Choose your bridesmaids, groomsmen, ushers, flower girl and ring bearer and ensure they are aware of what their duties are
  • Order Wedding stationery (invitations, envelopes, order of service etc)
  • Take HIV test (Gov / Private)
  • Arrange accommodation for out of town guests (book blocks of hotel rooms)
  • Choose wedding cake design
  • Decide wedding and nikah decorations
  • Complete barang hantaran


3 Months Before The Wedding

  • Order wedding cake
  • Finalise guest list
  • Meet wedding officiant to discuss details of the ceremony
  • Choose gifts for attendants and parents
  • Groom and male members of the wedding party to arrange for a suit fitting
  • Reconfirm honeymoon arrangements
  • Send Wedding Form yang dah complete to Pejabat Agama Negeri.
  • Wedding Lingerie >.<

2 Months Before The Wedding

  • Send out invitations from FB . Online, SMS & card
  • Meet with vendors to finalise arrangements
  • Schedule a hair and makeup trial with a consultant
  • Finalise music selections for the ceremony and reception
  • Complete any proper documents (Document perkahwinan)
  • Meet with officiant to finalise ceremony details
  • Reserve room for wedding night if not already done so

1 Month Before the Wedding

  • Meet with your photographer and provide a list of required shots
  • Confirm all final payment amounts with your vendors as well as dates, times etc
  • Confirm Honeymoon reservations
  • Arrange for a final wedding dress fitting

2 Weeks Before the Wedding

  • Finalise Seating chart
  • Prepare senarai tugasan for family
  • Collect wedding gown, bridesmaid, flower girl dresses and accessories
  • Prepare payment untuk jurunikah, saksi and profesional wedding service
  • Confirm delivery time and locations with Caterer, florist, etc

1 Week Before the Wedding

  • Spa, Massage, Wax, Any Treatment.
  • Give final guest numbers to venue/receptions/caterer
  • Reconfirm everything with vendors one last time
  • Have a manicure/pedicure
  • Call person yang involve time nikah and prepare.
  • Attend rehearsal for Wedding
  • Reconfirm hair and make appointments for the wedding day
  • Confirm all duties required with the wedding party
  • Try to get an early night and relax sepanjang minggu terakhir!
Nikah Day - 1 or  2 Day Before Wedding
  • Bangun awal solat subuh dan mandi sunat
  • Get ready for nikah.. Excited!
  • Make sure Photographer + Videographer yang incharge bahagian nikah dah ada.
  • Smile, relax and enjoy the Nikah moment! :)

The Wedding Day

  • Try to eat breakfast at 7am - as early as i can..
  • Mandi sunat :D
  • Have my hair and makeup done
  • Begin dressing two hours before ceremony is scheduled to begin
  • Take a deep breath, relax and most importantly enjoy MY big day!
 Nervous sangat!! :)

Note for myself :-

Post Wedding Day

If you are due to leave for honeymoon straight after the wedding day you need to ensure the following:
  • Any formal attire such as suits that have been hired for the day are returned the next working day in good order to the vendor. (Perhaps delegate this task to the best man or a member of the wedding party)
  • Ensure the venue is aware of any table decorations or chair covers that have been hired for the wedding from florists or venue decoration companies are stored safely for collection to ensure any refundable deposits are returned.
  • Ensure thank you notes for any gifts or donations are sent out no later than 3 months after your wedding date


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