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im talking to myself.

Forget the past. the word that i always heard day by day. gesh, i almost forget everything, the happiness, the memories, the part of glory, the truly idiot about me. though i'm strong enough to pretend nothing ever happening. ya, nothing.. i wish it just nothing. but my own self still feel the crash.. and it like always everyday people come and go, remind me all the pathetic story.. entahlah.. 

Im talking to myself, and i smile, wondering, silent. hihi.. hey, this is all fate you know, nobody care how strong you are, how good you try to be. you still you. yuh, life is not enough for me. i want more.. every second that i waste. i want more.. and more to be more happy. please don't go. please. my happiness

year ago, everything is OK. nothing change. still same. but as per wish. from some other mate who cares... im move on. we move on. thanks guys, your name is still in my VVIP list. i never wrote about this before. how small the world can be. praise to Allah. im still listening to my own fev song. singing alone. hope everything gonna be fine. one fine day . while reply all the sms from my busy friends. ^_^'


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