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I Love You Mama! Mama smiles can brighten any moment,
Mama hugs put joy in all our days,
Mama love will stay with us forever
and touch our lives in precious ways... The values you've taught,
the care you've given,
and the wonderful love you've shown,
have enriched my life
in more ways than I can count.
I Love you Mama!
I wish I could tell you,
how much you mean to me....
But there are no words to say
how much I admire you...
how much I appreciate you...
how much I thank you
for everything you've done. I Love you Mama!
kek ku bli ni xsedap!!

uhu...that day enjoyla gak..22mei my luvly mum birthday~sweetnye mama..then i gift selendang kat dia..ntahla,mcm xsesuai kot?.. so,Saturday morning me n hayat..g nonton.. xtualy nak tgk cite PUSH yg agak2 filem aksi yg aku suke deh..malangnye lambat sgt cite tu..sbb mlmnye nak surprise my mum..wif my sibling sume..then g my fev place d'garden tgk nite at d museum ape cte tu.xmcm yg 1st,yg kalini dia buat lg gempak sikit..ehe.. then smasa tgu kol 2.3opm ktorg santai2la mkn kat FoOd Garden.. ^^ nasi ayam fev kami..mmg lazat! hihi ..then g nonton, n ade sale kt body shop plak..aku pon g hayat plak jnis xsuke ramai2..pale dia pning..(sabo jela).trus migrain lak gerampon ade..lastly blila pfume yg sale n lips glow tu (sale 70% tau!!) sronok nye..abis tu, g r bli kek utk my mum..ptg tu hujan lebat sgt, blik rumah tp 'nobody home!!' so call mama dorg g shopingla plak..akupon ckp its okla,aku tgu kt umah..hyt plak nk cepat2 blk.. :( so then mlm tu suddently je xjd clebrate..then g mum steamboatjer kt gombak tu.. yg mmbuatkan aku agak2 sedih sebab aku n sis buat suprise tp dady xsesuai ke?? xbrape lme tu abg plak smpai bwk hdiah tuk mama handbag lagi..(sembonia tu) overall okla..happy dat day..chilljer sume.. thats all..

my sis + mum

i love my family..hugs n kiss!! muaah

Family I love love my family with my hold heart.
My love is Joy to love my family
Family is sad and happy and love.
Family is fun and painful and pretty.
My family is like all families we have
love and we have happiness and tears
I love my hold family
My family is like angels who fly in sky
I am grateful that I have family that loves me.
My family are kind and nice and fun to be around
My family is painful like all familys are and
heart breaking and Evil sometimes
My family is heart breaking and deadly like everyone else
Hey I can't stop loving my family not matter what
it coats in the family.
Way my family is just makes me want have family with someone be as good as they are.
But God know I love my family
and our love is great to have in life
and even know they leave
he world they still a live in my hearts.
~ Kristina Riggs


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