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i dont believe it, but its so true!

bad thing, please go away..

finally i realize when one fucking ex girlfriend said that i am the one who broke the friendship! may i know where did you get that? (owh, please stay away from HER) .. well babe, thanks to send the forgiveness to me in any reason and also for the reminder.. i will keep it and i know, don't try that again..

someday, the new chapter will be reveal, i am so happy you stalk me, in any of way.. what i know now is, i am not a BETRAYER.. smile with me now, you fucking hates me and now you make me believe about it.. im not a liar, im not a chicken, i just try to be my self and drop by to say 'hi' and stop thinking about it. thats what i do, to be nice to you.. but ok then, maybe what i do isn't enough and you so fucking so not need me now.. and for now on,  i wont disturb you again. i already know now all the things you ever thinking.. thanks for the fucking fake statement..  i lie when i said i satisfied.. :)

again, as you wish, i will stay away from you.. i wont disturb you.. as i know about it, i will try to realize that we are not the same person anymore, i mean, we are so fucking different to be nice to each other. i am not a liar as u heard..i cant believe how so fucking stupid that you believe about it.. but its so true when i made a statement about you or the statement about myself.. i don't know or maybe, you said that i am a broken trust in friendship because of that girl? or maybe because of a MAN.. whatever the reason is, the answer is from you.. i wont bother to think bout it..

lastly, thanks for the meaningful of broken trusted and friendship, i don't know whats all that about but i am so sure only you know what, and the meaningful of 'haters'.. think about it, don't you see who the haters now, and who the one that fit to those word? i am not hated you, and owh.. i forgive you too. and i truly afraid you destroy me babe.. shame on me, i am truly crazy to think that you're fucking perfect thats maybe will be nice to me.. i wont hope the best, just to be friend, not a close friend.. but hell yeah, you are so fucking series be my haters and good bye from your side again.. never mind..

thanks haters~ :)
(i just try to be nice, and this is what i've got.)


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